Updated April 7, 2010

click chick logo Callin' all SMALL Miners!!

There are three questions to ask about Black Sands: Is there any?  How Much? How do I get it all?
Turns out, ALL of us small scale miners HATE throwing out ANY blacksands.
I even read one website advising "NEVER throw out any blacksands!"

No one, until THIS point in time, has ever offered a product JUST FOR SMALL MINERS
so that YOU KNOW when YOU'VE GOT ALL the gold there is, OUT
and are DONE
& CAN finally pitch'em into the rose garden! (Rose gardens love black sands.)
Some nurseries will buy 50# of blacksands for $15 just to get their hands on this yummy rich rose turf builder!
I've researched the market and know there are other generic pre-mixes out there.
But, those are NOT based upon weight or special conditions found in Black Sands!

And a word for all "BORAX" flux only users out there---
Most of the particles in your blacksands HATE Borax, and nobody ever explained that to you before.
That's why these are created for finishing up your blacksands, or conducting assays on your blacksands!
These 4 fluxes contain the ingredients to remove the BORAX HATING particles,
the particles that stay behind WITH your gold, and leave you less than satisfactory torch results!

We've heard everyone and their old mule talk about "just soak 'em in vinegar, crush 'em, heat'em red hot in hot salt, then drop 'em into ice water, use Wick's Rust Remover or CLR then tumble 'em in a cement mixer with mercury...."
these are all fun ideas & keep you messin' with them in the garage on weekends when you can't get out to the creeks,
....even after ALLLLL that coddlin', most STILL don't pitch out any blacksands!!!
Do YOU KNOW WHEN you are DONE and have ALL your gold out?

"GOOD Gracious Gold Snuffer Bottle Grabbers!!! We just might'a left some gold in them thar buckets!"

Well, Prospectors!!!!...WONDER NO MORE!!!
Gold in Black Sands Flux Instructional CD with 4 pre-mix fluxes
Here's what my CD and 4 pre-mixes SAMPLER will do for you,
all ya'Gold Snufferin' dredgers, panners, sluicers, highbankers, rockhounds, & pebble-pups!!!
spinning cd

GRASSHOPPER pre-mix flux will correctly fire and collect your GOLD
straight from your snuffer bottle
withOUT removing any blacksands ALWAYS sneakin' in when we're snufferin' goldspecks!
Ayup, all that crusted over with magnetic iron blacks hiding your gold
will sho' nuff lose their grip using the
GRASSHOPPER flux pre-mix.
(Low Cost Refills available)

BLUE BLAZER pre-mix flux will correctly fire and collect your GOLD
in a purdy lump also, even IF you've used a magnet on your cons already
BLUE BLAZER flux pre-mix.
(Low Cost Refills available)

TANGO ASSAY pre-mix flux will correctly assay for 1 metal, GOLD from YOUR blacksands.
This way, you can analyze YOUR blacksands for gold content per scientific sample methodology
I show you on the CD itself how to do.
There is a SIMPLIFIED math page included so you can immediately convert your gold results
to an assay ton to determine yield per ton if you can get more blacksands from that rich area!

Also included are step by step actual photos of how to select a representative blacksands' sample so that your results make sense and relate to your whole pan or bucket o'blacks
you are wondering about how much gold may still be there after all the pre-treatments taught by others.
Yes, TANGO ASSAY flux can be used on any other NON sulfide ORE sample you may be curious about.
If you have a sulfide ore, you can pre-treat the sulfide ore, THEN use TANGO ASSAY pre-mix flux
For the first time EVER, I'm have answered--on this CD--how you know
if there is PLATINUM in your Tango Assay results.

TANGO ASSAY flux pre-mix.
(Low Cost ASSAY Refills available)

Smelted together Tango assays' results.
smelted together gold assay prills using Tango Assay Flux pre-mix

PURPLE PUNCH pre-mix flux will fix darn near all your prior fluxing mistakes if you can't follow directions, so you can STILL collect all your GOLD
With THIS flux pre-mix, you can take advantage of a place NONE of you are currently looking for gold. Ayup, I reveal my secret gold hunting & finding project to the world,
with this CD (on CD screen page 69) combined with this DANDY PURPLE KNOCKOUT PUNCH pre-mix.
So, if you are the type that doesn't follow directions good, or likes to experiment...KNOCK YOURSELF OUT!
You still have my PURPLE PUNCH flux pre-mix to come to your rescue and let you play THEN get your gold out for you when you're done making a mess!
49er Mike Guys & Gals, NOW you don't have to feel so left out if you mess up!
PURPLE PUNCH flux pre-mix.
(Low Cost Refills available)

And THAT's NOT ALL, Successful Gold Prospector!
Included are 2 BONUSES on this CD about a make it yourself Black Sands Magnet on the CHEAP,
PLUS a few of my very special SIEVE USER TIPS from my years of small scale mining, including
how to inexpensively repair any non-manufactured holes in your sieves.

ALL THIS for less than the price of a single metal assay
by some stranger you've never heard of and wonder if they'll rip you a new one,
and you can check them out by DOING THIS YOURSELF!!!
AAAAAND, you STILL have inexpensive refills t'boot.
Go ahead, Gold Prospectors...keep those "assayer types" honest, and even cut 'em out of the loop if you want to.

This is a BRAND NEW Product:
spinning cd

Cash, Money Order, Google Checkout
$72.95 plus $9.95 S&H

YES! I'm now helping out the SMALL MINER who may only have some cups of blacksands
and a dab of gold mixed up, trapped in your gold snuffer bottle
no matter HOW carefully you snuffered up "just the gold pieces."

Here's the GREAT NEWS:
At $900 gold, you only need 1.56 GRAINS of gold harvested from your blacksands
to cover the cost for ONE of these proper flux pre-mixes!
YES, only 1/10th of a gram of gold per pre-mix is all it costs to grab yer snuffered gold & run!

e*mail us with your questions and for international shipping charges.
We particularly enjoy working with our Canadian neighbors.
telephone email or call Pen Press office to order refills. 208-722-7722
I love questions and have 17 years "small footprint OREGON gold miner" teaching track record of providing great answers! You want to know something before you buy? Then ASK ME!!!
Since this is a kit with consumables, where you can learn identification, collection methods, harvesting, & refining using these actual consumable pre-mixes packages, there are no refunds/returns/exchanges offered. Yes, I still personally autograph non-restockable kits.

I even accept real gold--ask how, prior to ordering, okay?

prospector on mule

*********************************** F I N E * P R I N T *********************************

Legitimately and consistently assay your BLACKSANDS concentrates on a small scale.
Did you ever think you could assay your blacksands for UNDER $15 per test, including electricity???


I accept personal checks which must clear before shipment will occur.

* With Google Checkout, you can quickly and easily buy from PEN PRESS and many other stores across the web. * If you've used Google Checkout before, all you need to do is provide your Checkout username and password to buy from us. * If you're using Google Checkout for the first time, you only have to fill out a single page of information once to make your first purchase.

Pen Press has been in publishing business for 24 consecutive years.
And office manager, Ms. Nancy Stone is just the greatest person in the world to talk to!

208-722-7722 That is MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE, please.
Office Hours: 9AM to 3PM or later Mon-Fri, some Saturdays after 9AM. Closed Sundays.
Now, let's get you started on finally harvesting some MORE GOLD!

click chick logo


Grasshopper, Blue Blazer, Purple Punch, Tango Assay Fluxes Custom PreMix

REFILL PRICING as of Friday, January 3, 2009
GRASSHOPPER: $4.25 per pre-mix pkg

BLUE BLAZER: $4.25 per pre-mix pkg

$10.50 per pre-mix pkg

PURPLE PUNCH: $2.75 per pre-mix pkg

MINIMUM refills ORDER: $20.00
Shipping available to USA lower 48 states and Alaska ONLY without prior contact with office.
1 pre-mix thru 6 pre-mixes $5.00 total shipping per order
7 pre-mixes through 72 pre-mixes $13.95 total shipping per order

To ORDER REFILLS, call Pen Press Publishing, 208-722-7722 to reserve your custom selections
or e*Mail: PEN PRESS

Refills are only available to ORIGINAL Blacksand GOLD CD Sampler KIT buyers
Please have your CD password available when you call or write.
Prices good through April 7, 2010


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